Supporting Our Men

I think that some times we get so caught up in the drama of relationships and dealing with “wrong” ones that we forget to support the men in our lives who are actually trying to make a difference, live up to their God-given potential and be the leaders and heads of the household that they are meant to be.  We forget about the men who embrace and value our independence and success–without perceiving it as a negative.  They understand that our independence is only a reflection of us preparing ourselves to be fully equipped as a capable partner, wife and mother to their children…These men  see the worth of having a well-adjusted, strong, mover and shaker in her own right, by his side…As I said before, a strong man isn’t afraid of a strong woman because they know a strong woman will be able to handle any situation, does not invite drama into the relationship  and knows how to relinquish the driver’s seat to her man when appropriate and necessary…

Last night I attended the My 1st Suit Launch Event, and I was impressed by all of the men I met who were on top of their game…all types of men: married, single, engaged,  etc who were there treating all of the women in attendance with respect, showing their support for a community initiative and just being great to each other…It’s refreshing to see and experience.  Renewed my faith in the male species, lol…To learn more about the My 1st Suit initiative, click here.

Music Pick for today…seemed appropriate for today’s discussion:-)

Ne-Yo – Miss Independent